News is what people read in newspapers, watch on TV or listen to on the radio. It consists of current events and information that is important to the community or the nation. It can also include the results of important sports events. News articles are often written by professional journalists, but people of all ages can create news articles.
A well-written News article is usually short and to the point. It starts off with an interesting lead and then details all the main facts of a story. This is followed by quotes from those who are directly involved. This helps to provide the reader with a more personal perspective on the story and makes it more engaging.
The earliest news stories were about war, plague, fires and weather. Nowadays, most news is about crime, politics and celebrities. People like to see themselves in the news and want to know about famous people, especially those who have done something remarkable or unusual. News stories can be dramatic and have good and bad characters. They may also highlight the effects of a particular event, for example a bank robbery that is reported on because it has an impact on the lives of people in a particular area.
People are interested in knowing how the world works, what other people are doing and what is going on in their communities and the wider world. It is also a way for people to share opinions and beliefs.
In the past, people might have only had access to local and national news through printed media such as newspapers or magazines. But today there are many other ways to get news, including radio, television and the internet. Some people like to mix up their news sources and get different perspectives by reading a range of newspapers, listening to the radio or watching television.
News is not necessarily about what happened yesterday, last week or even a year ago. It is about what is happening or will happen soon. This is why you will often hear the term “breaking news” on broadcast and online news programs.
Generally, the more dramatic a story is, the more likely it is to make the headlines. A good example of this is a bank robbery compared to a house fire. The first is more shocking and therefore more likely to grab the attention of the reader.
A classic saying is that “If it bleeds, it leads.” This refers to the fact that news items that are deemed to be most important or of interest to readers are highlighted by being the first in the newspaper or on the TV. This is a result of the fact that people are attracted by tragedy and conflict.
The best way to develop a News article is to find out as much about the audience as possible. By asking yourself questions such as who is the article for, what will they want to know and why should they care? This will help you decide how to format the article and what facts to include.